
LOTHR Featured ImageIn this series of podcast interviews, I chat with people who are reinventing themselves and living happy, fulfilling, and interesting lives during retirement.

If you or someone you know has an interesting story to share and would like to be interviewed in an upcoming podcast, please visit this page to learn more and contact me.

Elizabeth Boatman-roundElizabeth Boatman

After retiring from her career as a banker, Elizabeth rediscovered an old hobby – photography. Now, she takes day trips from her home in suburban Los Angeles to discover interesting places and beautiful sights that most people are completely unaware of. She has launched a blog,, to share her photography and document her discoveries.

Sadly, Elizabeth’s husband passed away about a year before she retired, so her retirement is different from the one she had envisioned for many years. Elizabeth shares her story about reinventing herself and adjusting to her new life, and offers some excellent advice for everyone who finds herself/himself newly single in retirement.

Click here to listen!  (20:00)

Christine StarrChristine Starr

Christine is following the “second career” path after leaving her corporate job in 2013. She and her husband bought an RV last year so that they can devote part of each year to traveling to visit children and grandchildren as well as seeing the sights in the U.S.A.

Christine is a role model for envisioning what she wanted to do several years before retiring and taking steps to achieve her goals prior to retiring from her corporate career. She also shares some good habits for budgeting and saving, both before and after retiring.

Click here to listen!  (15:25)

Russ Smith in Stockholm-roundRuss Smith

Russ shares his experiences with living for extended periods of time in Europe, which will be of particular interest to people who are considering retiring in Europe or going there for extended travel.

Russ also teaches lifelong learning courses, and we discuss the pros and cons of living in an age-restricted community in Arizona.

Click here to listen!  (25:00)

© 2016 Dave Hughes. All rights reserved.

Theme music: “Funky Element” by Used under Creative Commons license.

Photo credit (title graphic): El Coleccionista de Instantes. Some rights reserved.