Category: Finding your passion

How to Publish a Book

What I’ve Learned After Self-Publishing 8 Books Have you ever entertained the idea that someday you’ll write a book? But does the process of taking your writing from thoughts scribbled in a notebook or typed into your computer to an attractive, published product seem overwhelming? There’s so much to know and do, it can easily…
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Is Your Retirement Fulfilling … or Just Busy?

If you ask many retired people what their life is like, they will probably tell you that they are as busy as ever. Every day is full of errands, shopping, household chores, yard work, TV and movies, club meetings, and all sorts of other things. Their calendars are filled with events, appointments, and get-togethers. After…
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“What Will I Do After I Retire?”

Are you uncertain about what retirement holds for you? Are you worried that your days will be dull, boring, and empty? Some people continue to work because they truly enjoy their jobs. Some people continue to work because they haven’t saved enough money to retire. But you would be surprised at how many people continue…
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5 Things You Shouldn’t Put Off Until You Retire

How many things are you putting off until you retire? Sure, your life is busy. There never seems to be enough time to do the things you really want to do. It’s easy to think, “When I’m retired, I’ll have all the time I want for <insert activity here>.” To an extent, you’re right. You…
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50 Things You Can Do During the Pandemic

The most popular article on has been the mega-list of 100 Things You Can Do After You Retire. After all, there’s no reason to be bored after you retire. Unfortunately, during the COVID-19 pandemic, some of those activities aren’t feasible because they involve interacting with groups of people in potentially unsafe situations. But don’t…
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Your Retirement Has Changed – Perhaps For the Better

A couple weeks ago (mid-May, 2020), I was contacted by a writer for MarketWatch who was working on an article about “retiree resentment.” He was seeking input from experts on how retirees can reframe their resentment in a positive, proactive way. In order to give him the best information I could, I asked Retire Fabulously!…
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“I’m Afraid to Retire.”

In the years that I have been writing and speaking about retirement lifestyles, I’ve had the opportunity to chat with and exchange emails with many people about their hopes and concerns as they anticipate their retirement. During one such exchange a few months ago, a reader told me, “I’m afraid to retire.” I suspect this…
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How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur After You Retire

For many people, being retired doesn’t necessarily mean never working again. A growing number of retirees are choosing to start their own business. According to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, a leading researcher on entrepreneurship, more businesses are started by people ages 55 to 64 than by those under 25. While it is often difficult for…
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18 Questions to Ask Yourself and Your Spouse Before You Retire

After you retire, your daily life will change in more ways that you probably imagine. There are many changes you won’t realize until you experience them, but forming a clearer picture of your values and how you want to live your life after you retire will help you make better plans and adapt more easily…
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Will You Be Happy After You Retire?

At first, this may seem like a rhetorical question. After all, you won’t have to work anymore! You will no longer have to deal with pressure, deadlines, performance reviews, demanding customers, or annoying co-workers. You can shut off the alarm clock and get up when you want. And best of all, no more boss! (Well,…
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4 Questions You Need to Answer to Enjoy a Rewarding Retirement

“Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?” You’ve probably heard this question many times during job interviews throughout your career – especially from interviewers who weren’t very skillful at conducting job interviews. One of the biggest problems with this question is that you have no way of knowing what opportunities may be…
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100 Things You Can Do After You Retire

100 Things You Can Do After You Retire

After you retire, what will you do with all of your new-found time? Are you concerned that you’ll be bored? I’m always bewildered when I hear people say that they think retirement will be boring. I’ve heard many people say they don’t want to retire and they would rather keep working, because they have no…
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